your faith
just got

Faith Shared Easily

Imagine if the discomfort and stress of sharing your faith with strangers was virtually eliminated?

You can have authentic discussions about your relationship with Jesus just by the shirt you wear.

An Invitation to ask about YOUR testimony

All you have to do is simply wear your shirt and people will actually walk up to you and ask you to share your testimony with them.

A Conversation Starter

Instead of using religious words, we focus on the change you have experienced by knowing Jesus. This makes all the difference, because EVERYONE is looking for something to change in their life. When someone sees that the change they are looking for is something you already experienced, they will ask you how this happened - this is your doorway to tell them your testimony.

Just be yourself

When asked, you'll already be equipped with what to say by using our easy tools.

All the fear and stress is removed because they are coming and asking you, that means you can just be yourself.

So How Does This Work?

1. Choose

Your Story in One Word

Using our easy testimony guide choose your impact word that reflects the transformation God has done in your life like Love, Freedom, Joy and more, it's the word that reflects your story.

Get Started

2. Pick

Your Style Shares Your Story

We have a variety of t-shirts, hoodies, hats and more that invite people to ask you about the transformation your experienced.

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3. Prepare Your Story

Don't know what to say?

It's easier than you think, with our free 3 email guide you'll have your story ready when someone asks.

Get Started

4. Wear and Share

Authentic Conversations

Without the stress and pressure. Simply wear your shirt as an invitation to ask you about your testimony.

Get Started
(DE) Peace, Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve V-Neck Tee HAPPINESS, Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve V-Neck Tee (EU DE) (DE) LOVE, Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve V-Neck Tee

Connect with Nonbelievers

Why is this different?

EVERYONE is looking for something in their life to change. Whatever God has done for you, there are people out in the world desperately looking for that exact same change, but don't know that they can find it in Jesus. By inviting people to ask about your change you get to share your testimony - even with people who aren't open to the gospel.

Testimony Guide Shop

"It made me
so happy to
share my

Let's Get Started!

This has to be the easiest way to share the gospel.



Just by wearing your shirt while going about your normal day someone will ask you about what it says.


London UK

Perhaps they'll want prayer, or an invite to your church maybe even lead them to the Lord.


Canterbury UK

What's great about this is how non religious it is.


Basel CH

I couldn't ever see myself preaching on the street corner, it's just not me. But this I can do, it's so easy.

Lee Anne

Ottawa CA

live with purpose

Your Story is Your Mission

Every time you step out your door you're entering your mission field.

The easy, stress free way to start conversations that change lives.