I Used to Lack Direction

Jesus gave me Purpose

I have more happiness

Choosing my Impact word was easy

I Used to Always Feel Down

I found Happiness with Jesus

Choose from One of the Following Impact Words that best Describes the Change You have Experienced as a Result of Your Faith.

What have you received from Jesus?

Hope, Freedom, Love, Healing, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Purpose

Still Need Some Help?

If you aren't sure which word you should choose use the following four questions to guide you.

As a BONUS, when you order a Faith Shared Easily product you will automatically receive a Testimony Finder.

Important Reminder

Ensure the "Yes! Email me the Testimony Finder" box is clicked so we have permission to send this to you.

1. Identify the Change

1. Which word represents
the most significant change you have experienced as a result of knowing God?

Hope, Freedom, Love, Healing, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Purpose

2. Problems and Solutions

Has God set you free from a problem or solved an issue? Which word most closely describes what you received?

Hope, Freedom, Love, Healing, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Purpose

3. Before & After

Think about the contrast of your life before and after encountering God, which word most closely describes what has changed in your life since knowing Jesus?

Hope, Freedom, Love, Healing, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Purpose

4. Find Your Blessing

Has God ever answered a prayer, healed you, or blessed you? Which word most closely describes what you received?

Hope, Freedom, Love, Healing, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Purpose

Quick Tips:

"Small testimonies are often better than big ones"

Any change you experienced is your testimony. Big miracles require more proof to be believable than small changes. Don't discount what God has done for you.

quick Tips:

"Choose a testimony you don't mind sharing"

If you have a story that's truly private, keep it that way and choose something else. Remember, the idea here is to start conversations with complete strangers.

Quick Tips:

"What if I have More Than One Testimony?"

Most people have many testimonies. You could consider ordering different shirts with different words and test out what is more effective for you.

Here's Some Ideas

Faith shared easily clothing fits into your lifestyle, so you don't need a special event or missions trip to begin to share your testimony.